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Played Saturday morning, 1/9, teeing off at 9:00. POP is always pretty good here but with the increased crowds it took us about 3:45 which is great but typically it's a bit less.

Right now the greens at the Goat are really good. If you've played here you know how small and tricky they are, and when they get a bit firm and fast it makes for a crazy experience, both putting and chipping.

The fairways in general are pretty solid. #8 and #16 are always a bit rough (I think because of where they sit in some lower areas) but the rest provide good lies all around.

The tees are not as good as they normally are. I think it's the crazy amount of play every course is getting coupled with the fact that it's a shorter course and most tee boxes have people hitting irons. They're level and I guess you get to use a tee so you still get a good lie, just some are a bit bare.

No one course construction going on but the massive range overhaul is coming along nicely. The grass area was made much bigger, there are new targets/greens to aim at and then in the back there's going to be siting areas, some mats when the grass needs a break and a few stalls with Foresight monitors, which is cool.

All in all, conditions are solid and the course never ceases to require your best stuff.
Played in our GK Team Cup Match here on 1/10, teeing off at 11:06 AM on an absolutely perfect day in North County San Diego.

It had been years since I played Twin Oaks, which I really couldn't explain because I live 10 minutes away and had always enjoyed the course. When I pulled in the entire parking lot was full (had to wait for a car to leave to even get a parking spot!), so I knew it would be a longish day out on the course. We actually got out right on time and I think our POP was about 4:45, but it didn't seem that bad.

I really love the facilities at Twin Oaks, but with Covid you couldn't hang around on the patio or in the bar area, which is a bummer. The entire setting there in that valley is pretty cool and Rob made a comment on a hole that it had a bit of that Mt. Woodson look with the hills around.

What really stood out to me was how fun this course is. I couldn't remember a lot of the holes for some reason, but there's a great mix of variety, providing a challenge without being too punishing. You can definitely use a bit of local knowledge here and next time out (which I plan to do sooner rather than later) I'll take a couple different lines to help me out.

This is the first course I've played that does the painting of the fairways. It looked pretty cool and other than staining my golf ball a bit it doesn't affect anything. I thought the fairways had good coverage with a mix of kikuya and bermuda. I'm guessing if they didn't paint them they'd look pretty splotchy with the two grasses. You got great roll out here and hitting irons was fantastic. I could see how some tighter lies with hybrids and fairway woods could be tricky.

The rough wasn't too crazy and kind of a dried kikuyu. Every now and then you'd get a little more difficult shot around the greens, but I thought it was fair.

I thought the greens were pretty solid. I assume at the end of the long weekend with that much play they were a little bumpy, but all that being considered they held shots well, rolled pretty true and are pretty interesting for the most part. Again, there are a couple where local knowledge would be a big help but nothing too crazy.

The staff I interacted with were great from the starter to the lady in the snack bar and the cart girl who we saw a few times.

I would definitely recommend Twin Oaks to anyone. The conditions are good, the layout is fun, staff is friendly and the setting is great. Looking forward to heading back.
I played in the GK Event this past Saturday. We were the second group off and pace of play seemed pretty good, maybe 4:15 or so.

This is my third of fourth time at Rams Hill and I realized that this time seemed so much different than the rest. First, Covid kind of took away from some of the cooler aspects of Rams Hill, like hanging out on the patio and with the staff out there. I did get fantastic service at the restaurant/bar inside as I always do. It's just that its such a great spot to hang that I missed that.

Second, the weather was pretty incredible. It was weird playing with no wind at all out there (save for 1-2 "gusts") and the lighting with the clear air just was awesome. I thought that coupled with the brown, dormant bunker surrounds make the course visually better than I remembered.

Third, it was weird seeing the fairways in rough shape for Rams Hill. While I never really had a bad lie, they were nowhere near what they have been in the past. Seemed the rye really hadn't taken so maybe give it a little more time and it will be back to normal. The greens however were the best I've played there. Definitely firm and faster and that's my favorite kind. Bunkers I was in were great and never an issue on the tees.

I think I had more fun playing the course this time around than before. Just seemed like I appreciated the layout more this time around. Other than 11 and 18 I don't know if any other holes really stand out too much, but as a group it's just a fun golf course.

I did go down to the far end of the range for the first time and while there weren't any balls to hit they have an awesome short game area. I could hang out there all day.

I had a fantastic day out there and love Rams Hill. I absolutely recommend it to everyone. Just a killer golf experience.
I played the Goat on back to back days this past weekend. First on Friday for MGF Skins and then in our Goat Hill Park Masters Tourney on Saturday morning.

Friday Skins is a regular event and always a good time. This one was a little different in there were some added prizes with Matt Ginella in town. It's a pretty good deal and there's always a $1000 ace pot ($1500 on the last Friday of the month, and also a $250 starter pot). With the amount of par 3's there's a few chances :)

All of the construction on the course has been done and the place is looking really good. The greens have completely healed from punching and are running great. I thought they were good on Friday but then were cut and rolled before we played on Saturday and they were pretty tricky. The held shots great but when these get a little fast you can have some seriously wicked shots around the greens.

Fairways were pretty good for the Goat. There's a mix of kikuyu and new bermuda but I'd say overall coverage is solid. If you miss the fairways here it's a crap shoot of what you'll end up on. Accuracy is a big advantage over distance. There's a handful of new tee boxes and those are still great, but a couple par 4 tee boxes are a little wonky. There are plans to add a few additional "hidden/tourney" tees on a few of the holes which will make already tough par 3's even more so (not sure I'm excited to add another 20 yards to #5).

The range is shut down for a major overhaul until the end of the year. When it's all said and done it's going to be pretty epic.

I'd say right now with the greens the way they are, the Goat is a great place to play for a challenging and fun round. Recommended
Played a quick afternoon 18 yesterday, teeing off at 2:00 and finishing about 5:45 PM. Pace of play out here is always fantastic and we could have played faster but had a bit of money on the line so took a little longer over some putts :)

The Goat is in fantastic shape right now. All the improvements to the tees and new sodded areas are complete, grown in and playing great (except for the tee on #10, which looks like it will open any day now). However, the driving range is going through a major overhaul so that won't be open for awhile.

The greens here were punched about two weeks ago and they are basically fully healed. They were a little fuzzy and bumpy late in the day yesterday but Friday mornings they get a good cut so should be great this weekend. The cooler, dryer temperatures are really helping as the course is allowed to dry out a little bit and become a bit firmer. When it was really hot and humid over the past couple months a lot of water was required and you'd get some pretty chewy kikuyu and the greens had to be kept a little longer. Excited for Fall golf on the coast!

Played with someone who was making their first trip around the Goat and like always, they said it was a much harder golf course then they expected looking at the yardage. Don't get fooled into thinking it's a push over.

Also, a few new distance markers scattered around the course. Yardages on felled tree stumps around are a nice addition.

Should be prime condition this weekend, recommended for a fun time.
Played out GK Cup match out here Sunday afternoon, teeing off at 2:10 PM. Everything seemed pretty consistent with Covid rules, nothing out of the ordinary.

I've always been a big fan of Woods Valley. I know the back nine kind of gets most of the attention with holes back in the trees/canyons, but I think there are some really interesting holes strategically on the front nine as well. Overall I think it's a tough but fun course to play.

The conditions were a bit of a mixed back for me. Fairways were kind of hit and miss and felt pretty bare in some spots which led to a bunch of run out, sometimes causing holes to play much tougher. I was in one bunker and it was a bit firm but without much care of them lately with covid I don't really mind. The greens were pretty slow and bumpy from my perspective. The upside is that they were really healthy so seeing as they are going to be punching in a week or so, recovery should go great and they'll be back to cutting them shorter. All in all I think the course conditions are more than playable, it just feels like they've taken a bit of a beating with the amount of hot weather and increased play.

Gary got us a good deal ($45 with cart) and at that rate I felt I got really good value. As temperatures cool and the course goes through its normal maintenance it's going to come out the other side looking great. I'll be excited to go back.
Just finished a quick 2.5 hour round with Johnny and Matt, zooming around in perfect morning weather.

The incredible construction and improvement projects at Goat Hill Park continue. I played Monday and there's even more new stuff happening! All new turf on the 10-12 loop (HUGE improvement) including a new grass bunker in front of the 10 tee. New turf all along the left side of 18, helping playability there. 17 tee box being made about 2-3 times it's size. All new tees on 6, 7, 11 and 15. The new green on 12 and it's surrounds have been improved to help drainage and a better playing area.

That being said, it's obviously a bit rough around the edges out there right now while this all takes and the course gets back in the flow. Some of the older tees boxes of short holes are a bit chewed up too since there's been so much play.

Greens were still smooth if not all that fast.

I think the constant improvements are going to be awesome once it all takes and play is opened up everywhere, it's just a bit of a construction zone in a few areas at the moment.
Played three rounds from August 22-24th for an annual tournament. Obviously nothing has changed in regards to the layout of the course so you can read past reviews to get an idea of the track and how great it is. The only thing I will say, playing in a tournament over three days, is how much a course can change based on tee choice, pin placement and weather/maintenance. Typically I'm more of a variety guy when it comes to playing a course, but this was fun seeing how much of a different experience you can have at the same place. We played some tees that I had never seen before and with some interesting pins you had completely different strategies all three days.

The staff at Grizzly is always top notch. They treat our group so well and I'm sure it's like that for everyone. They are just genuinely a good group of people who seem to like working there.

As for the conditions, I can say that I have seen them better in the past. That being said, you're still getting some top quality conditions, better than I've played all year. The tee boxes were immaculate, the rough is super sticky and the fairways like carpet. I think with the recent heat there was some browning occassionally, but minimal. Hitting off these fairways is such a pleasure.

The only knock I could find, and this is really only me searching, is a couple greens looked like they got some kind of fungus or something in a couple areas. That being said, I never had to play through any of it because they can keep the holes in other areas. #16 looked like a mower leaked and left two huge burn marks, but again, the pin was on the right so didn't even come into play.

Grizzly Ranch is such a great experience. There are some really fun holes out there and the setting is just so great. I highly recommend Grizzly to anyone.

**For the first time we stayed in a condo at another course close by (Plumas Pines) and with a couple more in the area, this is seriously a killer golf destination. Can't wait to get back!
Had a great time playing in the GK Event this past weekend. It was pretty hot day out there when the breeze didn't blow, but otherwise not too bad.

Mt. Woodson is definitely a favorite of mine in SD County. I think it's such a unique setting and has some incredible views. The course itself is definitely short in length but not in character and difficulty. If you're even a bit crooked off the tee (I was ALL DAY) it's going to be an expensive day in lost balls. But if you can figure out a way to hit it straight you can really score here.

AS for the conditions, I thought they were really good considering the heat. The fairways (those I found) were really lush and great to hit from. There were some burned out areas on high points/mounds, but nothing that proved problematic.

The greens were really healthy and i thought rolled pretty true. A bit soft on approach shots but firm and fun to play on around the greens. I really enjoyed playing on them.

I was in one bunker and had to move my ball due to the Covid no rake thing but the sand was good. Tees seemed a bit chewed up but I'm guessing you have a shorter course where a lot of people use irons and the tee boxes themselves are pretty small in square footage. Probably an ongoing battle out there. Plenty level though so that's all I need.

The POP was pretty awesome at under 4 hours and the staff was great, from the beverage cart girl to the lady in the snack bar.

I just think Mt. Woodson is one of the cooler golf experiences in San Diego and I'd definitely recommend it. Super fun day!
Had the pleasure of playing Marine Memorial on Friday 7/10, teeing off just after 10 AM.

It had been about a decade since I last played here and I really have no idea what took me so long. They have made quite a few improvements, to the course and the facilities since I was last year and I was really impressed by everything.

The course itself is a traditional layout, really straight forward with everything in front of you. There are some slight elevation changes on the back nine but for the most part it's a relatively flat course, working it's way through a valley with the holes bordered by big trees. The green complexes and bunkering here are nothing too extravagent but just really solid and require good shotmaking. There are enough doglegs and angles that need to be taken (due to trees) to keep you thinking. It's really a great layout that would play well for all handicaps depending on what tees you play.

The conditions of the course were really, really good. Right now I think that all coastal courses with kikuyu are playing about as lush as I can remember. This course was no exception. The lies in the fairways were fantastic but you could end up with some pretty juicy shots from the rough, especially around the greens.

The greens were absolutely perfect. I would say the speed was probably a 9.5-10 on the stimp, picking up speed as the day went on and the breeze kicked up, drying them out a bit, but they were super healthy and rolled really true. I feel like players do a good job of fixing ball bruises out here because when you hit the greens you left some big marks but I never had any issues with them or even saw many outside of my own.

The staff was awesome as well. They had re-done the restaurant and patio and it sucked seeing it not able to be enjoyed. Its just a good space and all the ladies in the snack bar were super friendly. Definitely see it as a great place to hang out.

On top of all that I think this place might have the best practice facility around. A really pure all grass range, big chipping and putting green with practice bunkers and even a par 3 course back behind the range. Seems like you could spend a couple hours there working on the game and have a great time.

We walked as a 4 ball in just under 4 hours so the POP was awesome! The crazy thing is the course was pretty packed but people just moved. Golf at it's best!!

I would highly recommend Marine Memorial right now. It's such a good layout and in excellent shape.
Played my second round today, teeing off at about 12:30.

I played yesterday morning and the rough, fairways and green surrounds were kind of long, super lush and spongy. Apparently Wednesday is a mow day because after a good trim the place was looking pure!

Two things for up to date reporting.

1) Small tine punch today. We played right after and not much of an effect, but it did. Member-Member tourney 27-28th which is kind of a "major" for the Goat club so that's the goal to make the greens as pure as possible. I'd say they were rolling about 8-8.5 and pretty true. Held great.

2) #15, new mow job. They've cut down the area between the bunker in front of the green and the green to fairway length. I'm a huge fan of shaved areas around greens for run up shots and when you used to hit a good shot there and end up in long kikuyua rough it pissed me off. Love the change.

We played 18 holes in 2 1/2 hours. Pretty rad.

I think there's a big disc golf tourney there this weekend, so if you go to play call and check on that. Otherwise, the conditions are great, its a good value and POP is always pretty stellar.
Me and a buddy went out around 6:45 AM this morning as a two-ball walking. $28 city resident rate.

WOW! That's all I can say after playing Muni for the first time in about a decade (?). Wednesday seems to be one of the "mow" days as we were more or less behind the guys tending the greens, fairways, and tees (most we were there before they had a chance to put the markers back. We just played at the marker). Whoever the Super is here deserves a raise. No joke. Fairways were exceptional. Like high end country club for the most part. There's a few patches of weird stuff but mostly it was off the charts. The crazy thing is once you get off the fairway, literally BY INCHES, it was about 57 different kinds of grass and weeds and stuff. Kind of crazy but in a weird way, pretty cool.

The greens were AMAZING. It was a misty-ish morning so there's some moisture there, but I'd say they were running about 10.5 and PURE. Held perfectly. Probably the best greens I've played this summer.

Tee boxes were completely fine. There's a short downhill par 3 on the back where it's a bit chewed, but that's it. Otherwise, level and great.

I was in 5 bunkers and I loved them. Good soft sand on top but a bit firm below. Best thing to play out of. Had to place out of one foot print but that's the world we live in.

This is a pretty fun layout. Tons of doglegs, some long par 4s on the back with some teeth, lots of big mature trees and this overwhelming sense that you should have scored better but for some reason didn't. Kind of like that.

If there's one thing I would say as a negative is that early in the morning, before the marine layer burns off and there's any breeze, there's a lot of stagnant water on the course in creeks and stuff and that kind of freaks me out a bit (couple funky smells too). But I'm splitting hairs here.

All in all, Oceanside is pretty much killing it with golf right now. This place is in such great shape and the layout is fun, challenging but a great spot for all handicappers. If you go out and play here right now it's going to be well worth your money.
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