
Ring "WORLD"

Member Since:
March 2004

GK Recognitions
GK Event: Played in a GK Event ringworld-blog: golfing guru ringworld blog GKGC EAGLE: GKGC Eagle Supporter SCGA GK Golf Club: Member GK Guru: GK Gurus Review Writers GK Cup Player: If you played in a GK Cup win or lose - you are acknowledged and appreciated!
"FACT: If you poke me, I giggle. Just don't poke-poke me. Then I would get Pissed Off and get Mideval on your Arse!"

50 years old
Torrance CA
Sales GOD!

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Ring "WORLD"'s Golf Statistics

Index: 10
Average Score: 85
Available to Play Golf: Weekdays & Weekends
Cart Preference: Will Ride or Walk
Temperament: Serious Golfer
Smokes (while golfing): Yes
Plays in Tournaments: Yes

Ring "WORLD"'s Favorites

Golfer: Rory Mcilroy he's peachy
Golf Course: Spanish Bay Pebble Beach

Where Ring "WORLD" Plays Golf

Los Angeles County; San Bernardino County; Riverside County; Palm Springs Area; Orange County; San Diego County; Ventura County; Santa Barbara County; San Francisco/North Bay Area; San Jose/South Bay Area; Oakland/East Bay Area; Sacramento Area; Fresno Area; Bakersfield Area; Modesto Area; Monterey Bay Area; Santa Cruz Area; San Luis Obispo Area; Las Vegas Area; Laughlin/Bullhead City; Tucson Area; Northern Arizona; Colorado; * Other

What's in Ring "WORLD"'s Golf Bag

Usually I have a Large leather Pro Bag with assorted tools of the trade.
1. Hedge trimmer -- You never know when that pesky underlying branch can get in the way of your swing.
2. Branch saw -- I don't want to break my clubs on my forward swing.
3. Shovel -- Those Sand Traps are dangerous.
4. Two very long poles -- Great for running your ball along; gives straight and true path to the hole.
5. Laser Guided Do-Hickey Yardage Measure Device Thingy -- Hey I want to know how far I could have hit the ball. If I could actually hit the ball.
6. LoJack Golf Balls.
7. LoJack Golf Ball Tracker -- Enough said.
8. Pool Cue -- For the short puts.
9. Five Finger Pool Cue -- For the Long puts.
10. USGA Rule Book -- with personal amendments.
11. Cooler of booze -- I am older than 21 officer. My ID says so. Acting my age though is optional.
12. Backup Cooler of Booze -- in case my original cooler runs out.
13. String

But seriously. . .

Titleist 9.5* 909D2
Titleist 13.5*909F2
Titleist 18.5* 909F2
Titleist 21* 910H
Ping PAL 3 Anser Putter
Ping Eye2 irons PW - 5i
Sonartec 60* Wedge
Cleveland 56* Wedge

Assorted Nick Knacks and my 'SC Ball Marker
Titleist Sunday Bag. It's tiny! But still HEAVY!
When walking -- My Red/White Sun Mountain Bag Trolley Do-hickey thingy with a very BIG Red/White Umbrella for very sunny days. AKA "The Hotdog Vendor mobile"
Sometimes a sleeve of Titlist PROV1s but mostly a
Sleeve of Titlist Tour Distance Balls with so many dots on it the ball looks like it has measles.

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And when possible I always make sure I have on one of these great tees.

Last Updated: October 20, 2017

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My newest hero:

Congrats Rory McIlroy British Open Champion!

Vic Flores | Create Your Badge


Once a part of the GK staff it WAS my job to keep the peace. If you have questions about our Terms of Service, Community Guidelines or Frequently Asked Questions please consult these links here.

Well wouldn't you know it all my friends don't play golf. Just trying to get a regular four/fivesome going on a semi regular basis. If you want to play just send me an email here on GK.

Oh yeah hiya Marc it's RingWORLD LOL RingWORM though is cute don't you think? They crawl up your leg, get all in your business LMAO. So excuse me when I say this with the utmost passion, "Bite Me" :D MARC R.I.P (Sometime 2006) May you live again to pester other folks, just not me or here :D

As your resident forum guru I am here to facilitate and generate conversation. If I ruffle a few feathers it's not my aim. So if the ribbing gets too intense for you, relax and take it all light-heartedly. I do. And so should you.

And you ever wonder what the trees would say along a golf course? Well here is one giving back to the man that hit him last with a golf ball.

Fight on! 'SC 2000

For those of you who love the Force as much as they love golf :D This is also my Wife's personal favorite!

This is why I love golf so much :D

Join me!!!!

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