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Golf Course Maintenance Alerts

31 Posted

Golf Course Reviews
Snuck out around lunch time on Monday, Feb 10, and put my name on the wait list. Waited about 45mins and teed off at 1:10pm. Walking twilight rate $33 is a great value!!! Totally scored a great deal for a perfect teetime. We finished right around dark at 5:30pm, not bad POP overall at almost 4.5hrs. The front nine was a little slow and then the group in front of us dropped... » More
I see the nice white, pristine looking bunkers and think these are a cut above the vast majority of golf courses in Southern California.....until I try to hit a golf ball out of them. I think I'm a pretty decent bunker player. You open the club face and hit an inch or so behind the ball and let the sand pop the ball out of the bunker with a soft landing on the green. Not these ... » More
Played this AM. When I last played here # 1 now was # 10 and # 10 was # 1. But I actually like this routing better. Now you start on a Par 5 and the flow and pace seems to be much better. Found the course to be in nice shape other than the construction going on. # 1 is a short Par 5 as they work on the green so it plays short with a temp green at present. # 12 is lowering the g... » More
Super Bowl Sunday round at Roosevelt which is a nine-hole course but takes almost the same amount of time as an 18-hole course on busy weekends. I don't recall this course allowing fivesomes before but every group out there - including ours - turned out to be one. It was definitely slow going as the round took three hours, but it was a nice threesome that joined my buddy and me... » More
Played Super Bowl Sunday mid day. Course surprisingly not crowded considering it was clear, calm and in the low 80's.

Lush but not as lush as a month ago. Playing firm and fast from tee to green. Greens smooth and firm. Tee boxes and fairways near immaculate. Sand is immaculate. Rough a mixture of grasses, not tall but the lies will vary greatly within a small area. <... » More