Golf Course Reviews
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Played Oak Quarry on Wednesday, 2/28/24, at 12:08 in a GK Cup 20 match with Cup newcomer Kramnetto2. Course was apparently pretty busy that morning as the shop had no range balls at 11:30am, so no warm-up. Carts are nice but it looks like they’ve removed the ball washer/club cleaner from the carts – too bad.

The course was in decent shape with obvious question marks. After all the rain we had there are still large swaths of fairway that are thin/brown/tight – great for rollout but not so much for lie and playability. Greens had good coverage but needed to be cut and rolled – they looked fuzzy and rolled at just medium pace with a lot of bumpiness. They were fairly firm but held full shots. Most traps were in good shape but on some holes a bunker renovation is underway and you can only chip out or drop outside the bunker – we did the latter.

Most of the lakes are now full and there were no bird problems. Pace of play was slow and we finished in just under 5 hours – I don’t recall seeing any course employees out on the course. The interactive GPS message wants you to use the drop zones on the tough par-3 7th hole, but there were no marked drop zones anywhere on the hole. I went into the shop just before tee-off and again when we finished with questions/comments, but no one was around either time.

Love OQ but would like to see a tighter ship and improved conditions.
Very late review. Got out to Mile Square with a high school buddy on Friday, 2/23/24 at 1:40pm. I was late to look at the MS site so only late times (unable to finish) available. Saw GKer NutNButCup’s review playing a few days after I did and reiterate his observations – good greens rolling at medium speed, course still pretty wet after all the rain we had and so good fairway coverage but little roll-out. Sand damp and heavy but in good condition. Tees were in rough shape and needed to be cut. Rough was generally pretty short but could get juicy farther off the line of play and under the trees.

Greens showed lots of old and new ballmarks. Play jammed up on each of the par-3s, with 2 or 3 groups waiting on each of those tees. Overall pace was slow and front side took 2.5 hr; we finished hole 14 at around the 4-hour mark and packed it in in the fading light. Still recommended.
Played at 1pm on Thursday, 2/15/24, after booking a time as a single on GolfNow. Hustled over after a medical appointment that morning and arrived about 10 minutes before my time. Lo and behold, the sheet was running ahead(!) – the single I was to be paired with was long gone, and I was in behind a 4some. They let me play through on #4, and it was smooth sailing to #10, where I found myself behind several groups and waited on every shot on the back nine. Overall time was just over 4 hours.

Conditions were OK. Carts are comfortable with an interactive GPS that gives F/M/B distances to the green, and in green view has those ‘heat’ diagrams that show slope – the kind I have no idea how to read!! Since I don’t play here regularly, I was fooled a few times by seeing slopes/breaks visually that weren’t there, so the ball was heading away from the hole frequently. GPS does not show the locations of other carts – you need to be careful on several blind shots around the course. Saw the cart girl several times. Skipped a stop at the clubhouse at the turn, trying to push forward and finish before dark.

Greens were just OK, thin and pretty firm and rolling quickly. Lots of small debris on the greens from wind or mowing, and most greens had obvious large areas of different/patched turf. All greens had several unrepaired ballmarks scattered around. Fairways generally had good coverage and provided good lies and rollout. Rough was patchy and unpredictable as to what you would get. Tees (I played White [6,000/69.0/124]) were level and in good condition. On the par-3s, tees are set up narrower and it’s more of a challenge to find a level, suitable area to put your peg. I was in 2 greenside bunkers – the bunker on #16 had basically no playing layer – it was basically just machine-scraped hardpan; the greenside bunker fronting #18 had better sand, allowing a normal escape.

Saw a big coyote walking down #7, then heard a lot of pack howling down below the #15 tee. Several greens on the back nine are very challenging as they are severely perched and missing short results in long runouts off the front of the green. The course uses a R/W/B flag rotation – all of the par-5s (1,7,10,13) had red flags today – no imagination on flag placement.

I generally enjoy this course as I think it plays shorter than the card as many of the longer holes play downhill. Conditions have been up and down over the years as the course has had a variety of owners. Glad to see conditions improved from the past and improvements to facilities over the last couple years are evident. Recommended.
Got a decent twilight rate at Oak Creek on Thursday, 1/25/24, at 1:40pm. Thought we might have time to finish, then the rains started earlier this week. The course was pretty wet and it was path-only. Discovered through lots of walking that the cart paths here are on the high-lines of the holes, so all balls run away from the path as the fairways/terrain slopes away. Also, there’s just a lot of area between the paths and the playing areas, additionally increasing the amount of walking. So in these wet conditions this course is a long, exhausting slog.

Otherwise, conditions are pretty good. We started on time as the sun finally broke out and we had pleasant weather with little wind. Fairway coverage was good – the grass was a bit shaggy as they hadn’t been able to mow for a couple days, but not too bad. With path-only players need to carry their sand bottles with them out to the ball – most don’t, and there were lots of unfilled divots out there. Rough was not much longer than the fairway and not difficult to play from. Tees were level and a little shaggy, but OK. Coming off my long layoff and loss of distance, we played the Copper tees, and many were pushed even farther forward than the card distance. Traps were generally good, and I think I was in more sand this round than any I can remember ever– still working on that direction control! The greenside trap on #11 gets a lot of use and needs more sand. Greens were in good condition – mostly firm, damp enough to hold shots, and rolled nicely at medium speed.

Used the practice facility ahead of time and remembered how nice it was. $10 for 50 balls about average these days. Range was on grass and large chipping green available, as well as multiple putting greens. Bag staff was courteous and efficient. Saw the cart girl 2 or 3 times. Probably could have finished if not for the path-only requirement – finished #16 as darkness fell.

Recommended – look for deals or play twilight.
A late review for the GK/GM outing at the Huntington Club on a picture-perfect day in Huntington Beach on Monday, 1/8/24 – sunny, not too cold, and very little wind to affect shots. Played with good groupmates Gary and Lindsay, and (gasp!) a non-GKer Dave, who I think Lindsay was trying to recruit the whole round!

I had played in the first GK/GM outing here two years ago, and enjoyed the course but had a terrible ballstriking day. I was anxious to get back and give the course another try – bad timing, as I’m deep in the grip of my long knee-surgery layoff, and wasn’t able to bring a consistent game.

Course conditions were good. I only noted one tee where the stance was a little sloping, otherwise cut nicely and level. Fairway coverage was consistently good and lies were fine. Rough varied from benign to 2-3” and sticky. I was in 3 greenside traps and all were a little short of playable sand. Greens were good – full coverage, smooth and pretty fast. They were very firm and approach shots didn’t leave large marks, and they released quite a bit. Chipping from around the green had to account for significant runouts.

Comfortable carts with interactive GPS and distance to the pin location. Glad to see that courses are returning to having drinking water available on-course. Saw the cart girl several times – didn’t partake of the BBQ on offer at the turn.

One of these days I’d like to play this course when I’m hitting the ball well. Recommended.
Started the New Year at Los Lagos, wanting to get some swings in before the GK/GM outing at The Huntington next week. I was hoping that the general populace would be sleeping late after the New Years Eve parties last night, but the lot was full and both tees were stacked up. My 11:36am start time wound up being more like noon, and we waited on every shot. We had sunny, warm weather with a light breeze off the ocean.

Conditions were OK for CMCC. We’ve had a little rain recently and the course was playing no fairways/rough only. Not as bad as cart path only, but what resulted was that the rough areas were badly rutted by carts and squishy muddy. Lots of bare mud areas and standing water. And as you get wider into the treeline the obvious root/gopher problems are more evident.

Tees are set very wide here so easy to find a good place to hit. Fairways were pretty perfect as you can imagine. The general dampness, and lack of a mowing for a couple days, resulted in a lot of mudballs in the fairways and little roll-out. I wasn’t in any sand. Greens were in very good shape but rolled fairly slow.

Carts are very basic. No GPS or yardage posts – you have to look closely for the 100/150/200 markers set in the fairways. After struggling through the front nine in 2.5+hours I decided to bail on the back nine.

Recommended for a casual round with decent conditions, but expect a slow round.
Joined the big GK group at DW Firecliff in an 1110 tee time with fellow septuagenarian GKer rickgee. Rick and I played White and the others in the group were back on Lavender, so not as much interaction as usual. The weather was picture perfect and we played at a steady pace – other reviewers have also commented on the good POP. We arrived at the course a little late ahead of our tee time and so only had a few minutes to take a few swings on the nice grass range – didn’t get a chance to stroke any putts, then called to the first tee right on time.

The course was in wonderful condition. White tees were level and in good shape – only a few were a little damp and showed more spike/shoe damage to be avoided. Fairways were like carpet with consistent great lies and good coverage. Rough was about 2 inches, not too long, but just sticky enough to affect the swing and require strict attention. I was in several bunkers and they were uniformly great, and for the most part other golfers had raked their usage areas (hey, we had an hour’s worth of GKers in front of us!). Greens were stellar – slightly firm but pretty receptive, rolled smoothly, and with consistent speed. I think we were all expecting them to be a little quicker, as the whole group left putts short all day long. Pin positions were tricky on a lot of greens, with locations on or adjacent to mounds and slopes that resulted in a lot of break right around the hole.

I was coming off an extended period of not playing, and I struggled throughout the round looking for consistency in any part of my game. Not being sharp, I left the ball out of position throughout the round, and I swear I had 8 to 9 putts where a significant slope or mound on the green was between me and the hole. You don’t make many (or any) of those types of putts, and you had to work hard to just 2-putt – it wasn’t until I left the ball below the hole on a reasonable grade that I was able to finally make a couple putts late in the round.

Despite my struggles I enjoyed the great course conditions, the COC weather, and the group I played with. Also great seeing many GK buddies afterwards on the patio, after being away for many months. Very good food and great prizes – thanks as always to Johnny for all his great efforts.

Saw the cart girl numerous times. Clean, convenient bathrooms and water stations. Sand/divot mix refills available in several locations. Just a first-class operation. I’ve never had a bad experience at Desert Willow over the years, and always look forward to playing either of the courses here.
I missed the GK Plays outing at GCGC on November 17th and after reading the reviews about the great course conditions I wanted to get out there. Posted a Meet-Play on the GK site a week ahead of time for a 1:00 tee time, but I didn’t get any takers. GCGC doesn’t book for singles, so when I called to reduce the group to 1 they told me to just show up and they’d get me in as a single. They had a large group finish going off around 12:30 so the first tee was pretty deserted. I was paired with single who was pretty new to golf and we went off around 1:00 on Thursday, 11/30/23. The group in front of us was occasionally playing the Goose tees (not even on the normal scorecard, so no Roman numeral!). I didn’t know there was a tee next to the cart path on #2 – it’s the Goose tee for #3 and you need to wait for it to clear before hitting on #2.

GCGC recently came out of their annual maintenance and looks great. Lots of lush green surrounds and the white bunker sand really pops the eye. Greens are the first thing you think of after aeration and maintenance and they were in good shape. The course had them cut down pretty tight and they still showed the holes from punching, but rolled just fine at medium+ speed. There was some inconsistency in the firmness, as some greens were very firm and released shots, while others were softer and you got pretty big ballmarks.

Fairways were cut pretty close but with good coverage, and the ball sat just fine. Overall the turf is still damp from recent maintenance/weather and the ball doesn’t run out like it does when the course is drier. I had a few mudballs in the fairway today. The first cut of rough was pretty short and easily playable. Tees were level and just fine; the course had the III (White) tees pushed well forward on some of the par-3s. I was in a few traps and sand quality and quantity was fine – too bad so many people don’t use the rakes, including my playing partner.

We played through a group of women golfers on #11 and then occasionally bumped up on that earlier foursome playing the Goose tees. Overall great pace and we finished before 4:30 with plenty of daylight left. Saw the cart girl a few times but no marshal today.

I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad experience at the Goose in all the years I’ve been coming here. Always recommended.
Slow going on Black Friday afternoon, 11/23/23 at 1:00PM (scheduled) at Eagle Glen. Looking outside of Oso Creek I picked up a single opening on GolfNow for $45, and joined a pleasant couple from Fullerton and we had a casual round, moving in spurts dictated by our own poor ballstriking. Overall we caught the group in front of us 2 or 3 times during the round, as they had their own problems including what looked like a guy giving his girlfriend lessons and pointers. Their first time here at EG and they liked the look and the views, but their games made for a slow slog as we had a lots of tops and shanks in our group. They even played a perverse contest of “who’s lost the fewest balls.”

Conditions at EG are generally good right now. The area had some scattered rain over the past couple days and the ground was generally damp and the longer grasses heavy, so less rollout. In the more dormant fairway and rough areas you could still get a lot of roll. Traps had good sand. Tees were flat and in pretty good shape. Fairways were variable, with generally tight lies and scattered areas of very thin or bare turf. Greens had good coverage, were fairly receptive and rolled at medium+ speed with downhill/downcanyon putts rolling out dramatically. I made several putts on the practice green, so QED I made nothing on-course – LOL.

Interactive GPS with Shark Experience in comfortable carts, but the GPS only gave distance to the center of the green, not the pin. And all pins are the same color, so you bring your own tools or sometimes you have to guess. Other carts’ locations are not shown.

The first tee was busy and we waited for carts to come in and then started 15-20 minutes late. Starter was pleasant enough. No marshal seen on the course at that time of day; we did see a cart girl 2-3 times. We finished hole #12 about 4:30PM and there were several groups on 13/14 heading back up the canyon, so I bailed out and came in. Shop apparently closed at 4:30.

Apparently, they are closing down their short-game area permanently – I’ve had several GKers comment over the years that that area is very nice for practicing. Pro shop is partially gutted as it looks like they are building 2 hitting bays – I assume they will be equipped to look at ball flight patterns and distances for fitting purposes.

I like Eagle Glen and have done some decent scoring here over the years (not today!), so I generally recommend the course. Just be prepared for a slow round.
Back out to Oso Creek on 11/16/23 after waiting too long to pull the trigger anywhere else. Golf demand continues to exceed supply, and procrastination is apparently not the answer.

Forecast earlier in the week had called for rain but we got out between shower days in sunny weather with only a light breeze. CPO after the rain – but needed? Couse was busy and the 1:10 start meant we pushed up against darkness at the end of the round – we were the last group up 18. Still getting used to the end of DST.

Conditions similar to when I was here 3 weeks ago. Generally good conditions, some ballmarks on greens, people still don’t rake the traps. POP was just under 4 hours. Friendly staff and social venues were very busy.

I’ll try to find a different venue next week.
Late review. Played Oso Creek at 1110 on Thursday, 10/26/23, my first round since February after my knee surgery and my wife’s difficult rehab after breaking her ankle. Joined by a high school friend and we paired up with two very amiable locals for a relaxed round. Course was busy and POP was around 4 hours, which is slow for this course. After recent maintenance it was CPO everywhere until the end of October.

Course conditions are generally pretty good. Greens have good coverage and roll at medium+ speed, especially downhill. Most greens were pretty soft and shots stopped quickly. Greens on holes 8, 9, and 18, a little more exposed to wind and sun, were firmer. Fairway coverage was good and rough could be pretty deep in spots. Tees were level (I played Silver). In one trap and sand quality was good. As an aside, a couple traps I usually don’t notice on the back nine are pretty deep! Wouldn’t want to be in ‘em!

Conditions generally good but we saw watering in many areas. Not much rain recently but fairways, rough, and greens were very soft. May be the result of enthusiastic watering. Still recommended.
Back to Goose Creek to meet up with an old Vegas golf buddy who was passing through the area – he was staying in Moreno Valley and the Goose was about equidistant between us. Generally great weather at 1020 am on Monday, 2/6/23, with just a few holes of blustery north winds. Course conditions remain great, similar to my review from last week, and the greens have become a little more receptive. Also, the course has mowed the green surrounds and it’s much easier to putt or slap a 7-iron from off the green and run it to the pin. Parred the difficult 18th in what is likely my last round before knee surgery, so boom! Always recommended.
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* Oak Quarry Golf Club, Riverside, CA
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