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Played Friday 8/9. This 1st timer loved it. Beginning to end like a CC experience. Check in easy. We used a new up to 120 day advance booking system. It ran an extra $10, but worth it for a guaranteed Fri morning summertime tee time in N SD County ($120). About twice the rate of Oceanside or Marine courses nearby. IMHO worth it for the awesome conditions.

Range; has track man avail, otherwise average. Carts; comfy with GPS. On time (9:30) start.
POP; 4:20.

Tee boxes; flat & well manicured. Kind of a high cut of grass.

Fairways; Beautiful, lush plenty of run out. Some tight with others more wide open.

Rough; Well manicured also. 2-3" some maybe little higher. Not killer, but a bit penal.
Some "native areas" mostly red staked, canyon & scrub not conducive to finding a wayward shot. Signs warning of Rattlers. Beware.

Greens; awesome other than some ball marks. Rolled med. Looked like faster than they were.

Collar areas; really nice, a little too thick to putt off, but easy to pick a chip.

Bunkers; Some deep greenside, great sand. Little harder fairway bunks, but enough sand to pick it clean.

Restaurant was closed after the round for a memorial service. Since my buddy hit a wedge 30 yards over the 9th into the patio area it was probably best we couldn't go in...
Snack shack near range, 1st & 10th tees was fully stocked bar, snacks & Gatorade ect. Cart girl was around twice.

I will be back & of course recommend.
Played the Dam last Sat 5/4, 8:20 start. I've been playing Hansen for 30+ years & it's in pretty good condition now (as are most courses after the rainy winter.) For those that haven't played it, there is a range, hitting down into a valley/dip from mats. Good for warm up, not so for dialing yardage in on clubs. They have decent putting & chipping areas. Restaurant opens at 8*am on weekends. I didn't go in this time. They have full bar, NO BEV CART on course. After 9th you do pass the restaurant. On to course conditions;

Tee boxes are fair, usually a flat area can be found with good grass coverage.

Fairways are in great muni condition, as good as they get. A pleasure to hit from.

Greens are ok. They were punched a month ago & haven't healed as well as most would. Hansen Dam has always had an issue with the Greens healing slowly. No idea why. Still cleaning sand off balls, but the ball rolled ok, if you hit it. Speed SLOW.

Collar areas are shaved back from the greens up to 10 yards giving the option to putt from off the green if desired. Near perfect condition.

The Rough is mostly good, can get into some weedy bunch grass in some areas, but mostly 3-4" cut, penal but not killer.

POP was 4H 35. Slow front, picked up nicely on the back. No Marshalls at LA City course.
Starter was friendly, they do require ID now (fallout from Bot Res disaster?)
Carts are near new. They have GPS & Bluetooth speakers. Comfy seats.

Overall I recommend. I'll be back in a few weeks before the real heat of summer. Enjoy it.
Played Griffith Harding on Sat 4/6, 8*30 tee time. No wind, cool early but a beautiful day for Golf! With respect to the recent tee time uproar, I got my tee time as always by being on the computer at 5*59am 9 days before. I don't know if the "Bot Brokers" got scared off or I got lucky... They did ask for my ID at check in.
Tee Boxes; good coverage, large enough to find a flat spot, many could use some leveling.
Fairways; Really, really good!. Maybe as good as I ever recall here. Thank you rain.
Rough, also great shape, many areas have a 5+ yard 2nd cut. The real rough could be few inches or 4-5" with clover.
Greens med-Fast, very nice condition. Bummer aeration in a couple weeks.
Collars & surrounding areas also good shape.
POP; 4:45. Seems like a long day, but it wasn't awful at all. My 1st time out in 10 months after a shoulder injury, so maybe it was gonna be good no matter the POP!
The Restaurant is back open, a big plus. Good food, not cheap, but not crazy either. They did a nice job on the remodel with a big bar & better tables/chairs. No bev cart on course. Pass a snack shack in the middle of the course a couple times.
I recommend. Look out for aeration!
PS weekend early rates (before 9am) are $69 with cart. And the old route up the hill from the Forest Lawn exit of the 134 is closed. Have to drive in by the Zoo.
Played on Sat 4/15, tee 8*00am. Beautiful day for Golf. Breeze started off shore turned on shore at least 2 clubs by 18 (kinda the norm.)
Large range (Mats). Nice chipping area & putting areas, 1 near each of the courses 1st tees. Tee Boxes; Are large enough to usually find a flat spot.
Fairways; I am very surprised that the fairways are dry, more like mid summer. Always thinner lies on this course even with good grass coverage.
Rough: Ranged from usual slightly higher than fairway to ridiculous 8+" high huge patches of clover that ate balls up. Some areas had weeds (in back of hole 11 green) 2' deep. C'mon, it hasn't rained in 2 weeks!
Greens; punched about 10 days ago are healing nicely. Greens are slow, otherwise aeration not an issue.
Collar areas most cut short & good. Bunkers decent.
Cart girl came by 2x. Good friendly service everywhere. 4:30 POP.

Although not in top condition, it's still a go. Greens should be Prime in a couple weeks.
Played Vineyard on Sat. Less than 2 weeks since the aeration. Perfect weather as usual, cool breeze off the Ocean!
The good news is that #13 is back to a Par 5 (it was a par 3 since at least June thru August.)

The Greens are recovering really well, with the exception of #6. The collar had quite a bit of diseased looking thin & bare spots. Some on the green too. Looks like it was punched with bigger holes. Other collar areas on the course are cut short & are in good condition.

The Fairways are mostly good. Some dryer spots, but still grass under the ball. The rough is thin, not tough at all unless your unlucky behind a big weed. Bunkers are a mix of decent sand & hard/rocky. They need some attention. For those that haven't played here, pretty wide open, but lots of water especially last 4 holes. Signature 18th Par 3 Island hole always into a stiff breeze...

The pace of play was just over 4 hrs (9*30 tee off), not bad for a Sat. Saw the drink cart at least once. You also drive by the Grill after the 13th. Grill is really good with full bar. Staff is efficient.

Overall one of my fav's to play. #13 as a par 3 really hurt, but back to Par 5, is a great risk reward hole. Showing some signs of a long summer, but still a good value. I'll be back.
Played Olivas on Friday 8/5. 8:30 tee time, last group of a small tourney. We started at least 20 mins behind. Which means with 10 minute tee times, they snuck 2-3 groups out before our tourney. It showed with a backed up 2*45 min front 9. No grill or bar area here. They sell drinks in the golf shop/trailer. Drink cart is out & about.
Olivas has a nice grass range & short game/sand area.
Tee boxes are large & flat...BUT, with a huge range of tee placements available, they placed many in sanded areas. I guess who ever did it isn't a Golfer.

Fairways are beautiful, like carpet. The few small bare spots were GUR clearly marked. The best I've played on a muni course. A couple buddies compared them to Palm Springs area fairways, a huge compliment.
Rough is med short & gets spotty further from the fairway. Quite a bit of "Nature area", no carts but you can hit from it if you can find it. Again really well done.
Greens med fast, again, really nice. Collars are mowed short, allowing bump & run or putting from off the green. Great condition.
Bunkers, I was in one, adequate sand. All I saw were groomed nicely.

POP; as I said earlier was very slow. We finished in about 5:15.

Other than pace, a perfect day. Breeze off the Pacific always great. Course wonderful condition.
I wish I could get good tee times more often here! Highly recommend.
Played RR Lakes today Thur 7/28, 8*00am. As always, the weather was beautiful!
The course has greened up, much more watering being done & it looks great.

The Tee boxes are huge, one can always find a decent spot to hit from.
The Fairways are really nice, a bit wet here & there.
The rough was not terribly penal, unless getting way out in the weeds.
The Greens are very good. To be picky, wish they were faster.
Collars mowed really short. Putting from 10-15' off the green very possible.

The drink cart came by a few times. The crew at check in are always good.

Carts are nothing special, no GPS.

Huge grass driving range & nice short game area.

Grill is very good, basic stuff done well & reasonably priced.

Overall I recommend. Beat the heat on a course that's in prime condition.
Played Vineyard Wed 6/1, 9*00am start. Buddy & I joined by a single. Perfect weather (usually is here) warm with a cool breeze off the ocean.

The Pro Shop has a sign saying Hole #13 (par 5 running alongside the Hotel & Cowboys practice field) has been reduced to a Par 3 until further notice. They said too many balls in the hotel. I'm thinking lawsuit. I hope they put up nets or something, it was a great risk/reward hole over the lake. The USGA has adjusted the Slope/Rating.

The Tee boxes are huge, so I can always find a level spot.

The Fairways are ok, not lush but typical muni. Coverage is good, but thin. Some fairways on back 9 were brown & being re-sodded in spots. Looks like they needed more water. Rough is not much higher than fairway grass & usually good lie near the the fairway, after that a mixed bag. Not very penal.

Greens are decent, probably 9 on stimp. I wish they were faster, but they want them this way; slower greens= faster play.

Bunkers on the front had lots of new thick fluffy sand. The back was mixed, some with big rocks. But decent.

POP; just over 4 hours.

Recommend. I always come back, interesting course & can't beat the perfect weather.
Played Sterling today, 5/2, 10*45am start. Check in & Starter nice people. I mentioned I'm with the GK website.

Tee boxes were in very good condition.

Fairways were nice, a bit thin, not super lush, but good coverage. Rough not very deep, easy to hit out of. Rough near outskirts of the course gets dicey, mixed long weeds ect, but it's really far out.
Greens were firm. Rolled really nice, med-fast. Collar areas cut very tight, in great shape. Allows for the putter from sometimes 15' off the green if one doesn't trust a wedge.

Bunkers fine, with an inch or 2 of loose sand on top of firmer ground.

POP was around 4 hours. No drink cart on a Monday, don't know about other days. "Free" lunch with green fee. Food fine, although I would prefer $5 off green fee instead.

Overall Sterling is in pretty good shape & I had a good time. I recommend & I'll be back!
Played the Vineyard Sat at 8*30. Very much the same as my last review in Nov, except for the greens. Tee'd off on time. Check in easy & friendly.
This course is generally forgiving with larger greens. Some contour to them so keeps you on your toes. The last 4 holes are all over or around water with the signature 18th Island hole waiting with a blast of wind in your face! A great place to play, especially in Summer when the cool breeze is welcome.
Carts are basic, no GPS.
Tee boxes are pretty good. Good run out on the tightly cut Fairways. They are greening up after dormant winter, but they are never "Lush" here. Rough just a weedier version of the fairways at this time, not very penal at all.

The Greens were recently aerated (3/21-22 according to GK, Gracias!) They seem to have been punched with smaller holes & the Crew have done a good job in filling them in. Overall a bit bumpy & tough to stop a shot from distance on them. The Good is that they are in much better condition than I would have thought after only 10 days. I look forward to putting on them in a couple weeks. Good Job RR! Areas around the Greens are decent with a few hard pan lies & mostly tightly cut collars.

Bunkers could use some more sand, but that applies to most courses.

Overall a fun course that should be in great shape after the greens finish healing. I recommend.
Played Harding on Sat 3/12 in a Tourney. Tee time 9*10. POP was ok for a sat mid-morning at 4*30.

Some Tee boxes were a bit uneven & beat up, but not terrible.
Fairways winter thin, but consistent cover, lot's of runout.
Bunkers decent.
The Greens, WOW Fast! Balls rolled nicely, but don't be above the hole. Great shape. One exception was the 5th hole, a Par 3. Hole placement was on a slant & the ball couldn't stop near it. There were more 4 putts than anything else, some folks had to pick up after numerous putts up & 20' roll back off the green.
Collar areas are good. The rough was cut low, not penal unless you reached a mishmash of bunchy grass or weeds. Still, not bad.
Overall, the course is in really nice condition. I recommend if your able to get a Tee Time. (Aeration in about a month.)
I played Hansen Dam last Sat. The course is in good winter condition.

No issues with the tee boxes, some chewed up but always found a good spot.

The fairways were real nice, good coverage. Winter thin, good runout on drives.

Greens are in good condition. Slower than most would like, but it probably helps pace of play. Collar areas are mixed bag, some bare some good. Shaved back enables TX wedge from 10 yards or so if the wedge isn't working.

Bunkers are fine. Not CC deep soft sand, but consistent muni bunkers.

No drink carts here. Snack bar (can't call it a restaurant) no bar area, no TV's in the small indoor area. Has basics & ice cold schooners.

POP was almost 4.5 starting at 9:00am. Group in front got 2 holes behind by 7th, finally got moving after some heckling. Still slow. No Marshall here. Driving Range (Mats) & decent short game area.

I still really enjoy the Dam. Fun course, not killer tough & a bit easier to get on then most city courses.

I Recommend.
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